The Eucharistic dimension of the life and activity of the Carmelite Sisters of Infant Jesus in the years 1921–1990. Part 1: Eucharist in the daily life of the sisters – inspiration, and practice


  • Wiktoria Renata Szczepańczyk Zgromadzenie Sióstr Karmelitanek Dzieciątka Jezus (Congregatio Sororum Carmelitanarum Infantis Jesus)



Catholic Church – 20th century – history of spirituality, Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of Infant Jesus, father Anzelm Gądek OCD (1884–1969), mother Teresa Kierocińska CSCIJ (1885–1946), Eucharistic devotion, Eucharist


The founders of the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Infant Jesus (Congregatio Sororum Carmelitanarum Infantis Jesus), servants of God Fr. Anselm Gądek OCD (1884–1969), and Mother Teresa Kierocińska CSCIJ (1885– 1946) distinguished themselves in their lives and activities with deep Eucharistic devotion. Father Anselm Gądek placed the Eucharist at the center of his spiritual life, seeing in it the synthesis of the whole life of Jesus Christ. The cofounder of the congregation, Mother Teresa Kierocińska, taught the sisters the love of the Eucharist with her word and the example of her life. She greatly appreciated the gift of the presence of Eucharistic Jesus in every, even the smallest, religious house. She often directed the sisters to the tabernacle to seek light and strength in this special place, especially in the face of various difficulties. The provisions of the own right of assembly (constitutions, custom) served to develop the Eucharistic piety of the Carmelite sisters of Infant Jesus. They placed the Eucharist at the center of the sisters’ lives, as the source from which all the perfection of childhood flows. The sisters tried to connect their whole lives with the Eucharist, which was reflected in daily participation in Holy Mass, receiving Holy Communion, visitations, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.


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