The Eucharistic dimension of the life and activity of the Carmelite Sisters of Infant Jesus in the years 1921–1990. Part 2


  • Wiktoria Renata Szczepańczyk



Catholic Church, 20th century, history of spirituality, Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of Infant Jesus, Anzelm Gądek OCD (1884–1969), Teresa Kierocińska CSCIJ (1885–1946), Eucharistic devotion, Eucharist


The Eucharistic dimension of the life and activity of the Carmelite Sisters of Infant Jesus in the years 1921–1990 Eucharistic spirituality was a very important part of the formation and life of the Carmelite sisters of the Congregation of the Infant Jesus in the years 1921–2021. It was visible especially in the undertaken apostolic activities and service to others. As part of their work with children and adolescents, the sisters tried to teach their pupils to live according to faith. It consisted primarily of introducing them to religious practices, especially daily prayer, participating in the Holy Mass and receiving the sacraments. In addition to organized forms of catechesis, the sisters individually prepared not only children but also young people and adults for the sacraments. The result of the Eucharistic life was service to the poor and the sick, performed by a large group of sisters as part of charity and nursing work. In the 1970s, Carmelite sisters began working on missions in Africa, joining this special evangelizing work of the Church.


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