From philosophy of language to philosophy of religion: ethnosemiotic ideas of S.A. Tokarev and Yu.V. Knorozov
Yu.V. Knorozov, S.A. Tokarev, philosophy of religion, ethnosemiotics, Russian philosophy of the late periodAbstract
The article is devoted to a little-studied phenomenon in the history of Russian philosophy of the late period (XX century) – the philosophy of religion by Yu.V. Knorozov and S.A. Tokarev. This approach in the field of philosophy of religion is directly related to another humanitarian research program of researchers – ethnosemiotics. Based on the ethnographic, ethnosemiotic and general theoretical works of Tokarev and Knorozov, the article provides a systematization and description of this original and authentic version of the philosophy of religion (which was originally developed to study local religious cults and traditions). The direct connection of this philosophical phenomenon with other disciplines is shown: archeology, geography, ethnography and theoretical linguistics.
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