State law as a determinant of church legislation: the case of Poland


  • Piotr Kroczek The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland



state law, canon law, state and Church relations, legislation


A part of the relation between Church and state are interrelations between their systems of law. The aim of the paper is to present the problem of influence of state law on canon law. The discussion presented in the paper is to refer to the current situation in Poland and relations of the Catholic Church and the Republic of Poland. Document issued by the Episcopal Conference of Poland titled “The Guidelines for initial canonical inquiry and in the case of clerical accusations of deeds against the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue with a minor under the age of eighteen” (2014) and the amends to it is an example. The conclusion is that the church legislator, who wants to be a good Shepherd of his Flock is to be knowledgeable about the state law and must be vigilant and constantly monitor the legislative work of the legislative state organs. The postulate in the matter can be formulated especially for the legislative body of the Episcopal Conference that is the Council for Legal Affairs. Mutatis mutandis the principles of the Church and state relations and consequences of the relations for legislation can be applied to different religious organizations or different states.


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