Christ as the example for the Church in perspective of the Second Vatican Council
ecclesiology, Christology, anthropology, hierarchy, liturgy, salvation, exampleAbstract
The ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council constitutes invariably a benchmark for every authentic reflection regarding the Church, its mission and the ways of its shaping in perspective of historic development. The teachings of the recent popes draw our attention to the need of referring the Church to Christ as its paradigm. To make this requirement possible to fulfil it is necessary to derive from the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, inquiring how and in what aspects its teaching directs the Church towards the pattern which Jesus Christ defines himself personally. This article tries to provide an answer to this question pointing out, in the first place, the beginning of the Church in Jesus Christ. Thus, in this context it tries to determine in what way and to what extent He is the principle of life of the Church and the example for it. The emphasis on the aspect of individual and social anthropology which can be found in the teachings of the Council is the fulfilment of the strictly ecclesiological reflection. This last issue concentrates on the stressing of the idea of Christ being the anthropological example, which should be included by the Church in the fulfilment of its salutary mission.
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