The Mystical Unity of the Church in St. Peter Damian’s Short Treatise Dominus Vobiscum.


  • Janusz Królikowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Eucharist, Church, mystical unity, plurality, worship, glory of God


St. Peter Damian (1007–1072), in his rich theological acheivements, left also a short treatise entitled Dominus vobiscum. In this work he deals with the question of the unity of the Church, which he approaches from an eucharistic perspective. He shows how the Eucharist allows for a proper understanding of the unity of the Church, as well as for its proper spiritual experience. This issue is all the more important since it highlights the salvific meaning of the unity of the Church, which in an original way describes the mystery of ecclesial communion. An important element of St. Peter Damian’s treaties is to show some of the more detailed, somewhat phenomenological, aspects of this unity arising from its eucharistic concentration, such as unity in worship to God, unity in prayer, unity of a multitude of celebrations, etc. All these aspects make the unity of the Church appear in its deep reality and its spiritual and historical significance emerge clearly.


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