Parochial Biblical catechesis intended for adults


  • Beata Stypułkowska Wyższy Instytut Teologiczny w Częstochowie



parish, biblical catechesis, adult catechesis, didactic biblical forms, didactic biblical methods


The present paper deals with the problem of biblical catechesis intended for adults in the light of the Church documents and studies. Basic catechetical documents were taken into account: the Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae of Pope John Paul II on catechesis in our time, the document issued by the Congregation for the Clergy, entitled General directory for catechesis, the document of the Polish Episcopal Conference, entitled Catechetical directory of the catholic Church in Poland, as well as the document issued by the International Council for Catechesis, entitled Adult catechesis in the Christian community: some principles and guidelines, and the consecutive document of the Polish Episcopal Conference – Directory for pastoral care of liturgical ministers. The paper discusses the problem of adult catechesis in parish focusing on biblical catechesis. Selected forms and methods of biblical catechesis in parish were presented, followed by some propositions with respect to the presentation of biblical themes.


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