The significance of cosummation of natural marriage, i.e. not (yet) sacramental




consummation of marriage, theology of the body, can. 1142 Code of Canon Law


Canon 1142 Code of Canon Law indirectly introduces the category of consummation of natural marriage, which is not yet sacramental. This article attempts to present the anthropological meaning of this consummation using John Paul II’s analyzes contained in his theology of the body. The consummation of marriage is an act that may be called by the biblical term of „one flesh”. This act is characterized by anthropological terms: „knowledge”; „reaching the end of the objectivity of the body” and „possession”. Showing the content of these terms leads to the conclusion that the meaning of consummation of natural marriage is deeply personalistic and allows for a deeper understanding of what is the subject of the marriage consensus, i.e. the marriage bond.


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