Gestykulacja jako sposób wyrażenia treści Misterium Paschalnego w sztuce średniowiecznej Europy Środkowej
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Pascha, Misterium Paschalne, Zmartwychwstanie, pasja Chrystusa, malarstwo gotyckie, sztuka romańska, Europa środkowa, malarstwo książkoweAbstrakt
The Paschal Mystery is the central reality of the Christianity. This is a series of historical events, presented in the canonical Gospels, in which Jesus from Nazaret was submit to the suffering, death, but was revived and bas ascend 10 the glory. These events was full of meanings and significations. This significations of paschal event has been meditated and analyzed in the Christian text, - in Gospels, in Paul’s Letters, but in the sermon of Fathers of the Church. Meliton of Sardes, Orygenes, Pseudo-Hypolite, and others are known as the interpreters of paschal events. The liturgical texts - Exultet and Victimae Paschali explain the profound sense of the Death and the resurrection of Christ All these works inspired the iconography. This presentation has to review the some works of art in Central Europeand interpretations their theological sense. The gestures will be the key to discovery of meaning.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Dariusz Tabor

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