The Mystery of Miguel Mañara
Spain, Seville, Miguel Mañara, the Brotherhood of Mercy – La CaridadAbstract
On 6 July 1985 Pope John Paul II signed a decree on the heroic virtues of the venerable divine servant Miguel Mañara (1627–1679), thereby opening the door to his beatification. As we analyse the dramatic life and the spirituality of the Seville's "father of the poor", we discover the mystery of his charismatic personality, which continues to inspire artists many years afterwards. One of the most important aspects of Mañara's activity was to preach mercy for the most needy, to which he devoted a great fortune and his entire life. His attitude, originating from a dramatic experience of death, was built on a strong foundation of humility, passionate service to the Mother of God and Carmelitan spiritual influences. This extraordinary religious experience bore fruit in Miguel Mañara's intensive spiritual life, full of mysticism, which reinforced the appeal of his sainthood.
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