Queen Hedwig and jubilee indulgences
plenary indulgence, Queen Hedwig, jubilee year, Boniface IX, Pope Francis, Wawel CathedralAbstract
Two papal indulgence privileges are associated with the person of Queen Hedwig. The first is related to the Jubilee Year celebrated in Rome in 1390. Because of the difficulties associated with the pilgrimage to Rome of Queen Jadwiga’s subjects, the Lady of Wawel, in a beautifully literary supplication, asked Pope Boniface IX for the possibility of obtaining the jubilee indulgence by making a pilgrimage to the churches of Cracow within four months of the announcement of the papal diploma. On October 16, 1391, the pope issued a bull granting a plenary indulgence that could be obtained for one year from Christmas 1391 for visiting the four main churches in Poland, Lithuania, Ruthenia or in the metropolis of Gniezno, which far exceeded the Polish Queen’s request. The second indulgence related to St. Hedwig was granted by the Apostolic Penitentiary under the authority granted to it by the Holy Father Francis on May 28, 2024, at the request of Marek Jędraszewski Archbishop of Cracow on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of St. Hedwig’s birth. The indulgence could be obtained by the faithful who piously participated from May 30 to June 8, 2024 in the jubilee celebrations at Wawel Cathedral and prayed at the saint’s relics. The edition of the papal indulgences and their Polish translation are included in the article.
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