Realist Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion. A Critical Reflection
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Phenomenological realism, realist phenomenology, faith and reason, Catholicism and philosophy, entanglement, Josef SeifertAbstrakt
The aim of the present paper is to show that Catholicism is not a closed segment of contemporary philosophy but rather a rich source of traditions and developments which are alive even today and can help to understand our philosophical situation and contribute to a renaissance of influential philosophy in our culture. In more detail, I shall focus on the importance of Catholic philosophy in its history and present day situation as part and parcel of our general philosophical traditions. I offer a list of models describing the possible relationships between Catholicism and philosophy. I identify the unity model as a model connected to phenomenological realism; and I will detail the important contribution of Josef Seifert to such a phenomenological realism. Phenomenological realism as an expression is offered here as a modification of realist phenomenology, a modification based on the recognition of what I term the entangled nature of reality.Bibliografia
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