Against melancholy or the dispute between Giorgio Agamben and Agata Bielik-Robson from the perspectives of messianic vitalism


  • Rafał Zawisza Uniwersytet Warszawski



Agata Bielik-Robson, Giorgio Agamben, potentiality, facticity, messianic vitalism


In the text Agamben’s theoretical project serves as a negative point of reference for the messianic vitalism of Agata Bielik-Robson. The aim is to indicate a tension characteristic of the “dynamic anthropology”, which could be equal to a subtle dialectics of strength and fragility, necessity and potency treated as “moments” of human being. Viewed from this perspective, Agamben’s narration seems melancholic because of its tendency to celebrate pure potentiality with a resentment towards facticity. It conceals the gnostic angst of occupying any position. As a consequence nuda vita genuinly becomes vulnerable to the sovereign power and the domination of death. Messianic vitalism not only avoids such downsides, but also is able to use them to its advantage, since it is at the same time a foundation of a concrete civilisation project and – which is more expressed in my article – a lynchpin of a sublime art of living.

Author Biography

  • Rafał Zawisza, Uniwersytet Warszawski

    Rafał Zawisza (ur. 1988) – absolwent Kolegium MISH UW. Doktorant na Wydziale „Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, uczestnik Międzyuczelnianego Programu Interdyscyplinarnych Studiów Doktoranckich AAL. Przygotowuje rozprawę na temat filozoficznej refleksji nad natalnością. Zajmuje się myślą Hanny Arendt i Hansa Blumenberga, filozofią postsekularną oraz historią gnozy. Członek redakcji czasopisma „Praktyka Teoretyczna”. Publikował w „Praktyce Teoretycznej” i „Kronosie”.


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