“Gigantomechia peri tes ousias” and its Results. Can Plato be Called a “Hidden Phenomenologist”?





gigantomachia, fenomenology, ousia, participation (to metechein), symploke


The motif of the battle of the giants (γιγαντομαχία) in the Sophist (246a  et seq.) is not only a carefully constructed literary measure that enlivens and dramatizes the discussion, or an attempt to supplement or strengthen the argument by a reference to an old myth. On the contrary, the transition from mythos to logos is not the abandonment of the former, but rather its explanation and proper exposition. It seems, therefore, that Plato was deliberate in his mention of the mythical image and his remark that all philosophical debates are nothing more than the battle of the giants concerning being (γιγαντομαχία περὶ τῆς οὐσίας). So what are the actual reasons of the batlle and how do we understand the casus belli – why is it about being (περὶ τῆς οὐσίας). Why is this, and not something else, the subject of this „gigantic” debate? Plato’s proposed resolution of the debate – which is to provide the greatest, most importatnt of sciences and knowlege (ἐπιστήμη μεγίστη) concerning the idea of being (τοῦ ὄντος ἰδέα) and to determine its signs-characters – is important not for historical and substantive reasons. Therefore, can one, taking into account the method to settle the debate and its specific result, and mirroring the question posed in the title – call Plato’s analysis a hidden phenomenology? Furthermore, can the principle of participation (τὸ μετέχειν) be understood as a metaphysical principle, whose explication requires phenomenological tools? 


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