Jerome’s criticism of pelagianism in Dialogus contra pelagianos


  • Anita Mularczyk-Budzan Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



critic, pelagianism, st. Jerome, Pelagius


Saint Jerome in the battle of pelagianism not differed essentially from other theologians of grace, for example St. Augustine. However Vulgata’s author had the opportunity to meet with Pelagius earlier than Augustine. He doesn’t avoid controversial statements, especially in disputes with pelagians. At the same time he was master of the beautiful expressions. Many times he was inconsistent in theological reflection. Probably therefore he doesn’t enjoy great popularity between contemporary theologians. This publication, based on the Dialogus contra pelagianos and Jerome’s Letters reaction against pelagianism and Pelagius. First of all, based on the Dialogus contra pelagianos and the Jerome’s Letters, is an attempt to show the Jerome’s reaction against pelagianism and Pelagius in the first half on 5th century. Using the method theological, historical and linguistical. First, I want to emphasize the most important theological problems about which he wrote. Next – I want to talk about distinguishing marks his criticism of pelagianism and show this criticism in context theology of grace West Church (Latin Church) the first half of the 5th century.

Author Biography

  • Anita Mularczyk-Budzan, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Anita Mularczyk-Budzan, ur. 1986, mgr lic. (praca magisterska „Dialogus contra pelagianos” św. Hieronima jako przykład polemiki dogmatycznej w V wieku). Studentka III roku teologii w cyklu licencjacko-doktoranckim na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.


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