“For the rest, it is enough that I am a woman to make my sails droop…”. A woman in Europe – the feminist revolution of St. Teresa of Àvila


  • Cristiana Dobner Centro Internacional Teresiano Sanjuanista, Universidad de la Mística, Ávila




Diotima, subculture, maternalité maternity, the epistemological revolution mother tongue


“For the rest, it is enough that I am a woman to make my sails droop”. This meaningful statement of St. Teresa of Jesus reveals, in an excellent way, the mentality typical for her times. Careful reading of the Teresian texts inspires us however to ask the following question: Have her wings really fallen? What does Teresa really mean about a woman, a carmelite woman? The reformer of the Carmel undertook the efforts of the independent and critical thinking. She started the epistemological revolution, which has been continuing through the ages. Today she is considered by the feminist environment of “Diotima” as an exemplary woman. This article presents assumptions of this environment, refers to the issue of Theresa’s language, tries to track the development of the Teresian subculture and her impact on her epoch.

Author Biography

  • Cristiana Dobner, Centro Internacional Teresiano Sanjuanista, Universidad de la Mística, Ávila

    Cristiana Dobner OCD – laureata in Lettere e Filosofia e alla Scuola di Lingue Moderne per traduttori ed interpreti di Conferenze all’Università di Trieste; Master en Estudios de la Diferencia sexual, Università di Barcellona; Dottorato in Teologia Orientale. È carmelitana scalza nel monastero di S. Maria del Monte Carmelo a Concenedo di Barzio (Lecco). Fra le sue opere: Luce carmelitana. Dalla santa radice, LEV, 2005; Se afferro la mano che mi sfiora… Edith Stein: il linguaggio di Dio nel cuore della persona, Marietti, Milano 2011; Il volto. Principio di interiorità: Edith Stein e Etty Hillesum, Marietti, Genova-Milano 2012; Resterà solo il grande amore. Il sentire di Edith Stein nella furia del nazismo, G. Ladolfi, Borgomanero (NO) 2013; La grande meretrice, LEV, Città del Vaticano 2013.


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