Epiphanius of Salamis critic of the Herodian doctrine


  • Elżbieta Ibkowska Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie




Epiphanius, Herodians, sect, critic


Epiphanius from Salamis, showing the Herodian sect, he points at the fact, that they will regard the king of Herod as the Christ, of lion rubbed with oil from the generation for them will stuff with Judy which is and with the waited savior. Their faith bases on the text from the Book of Genesis. But Epiphanius presents the counter argument that none of nations put the trust in Herod, as well as nobody could see, in order to the one was able to rescue people through the victim from oneself. Therefore Epiphanius warns against going behind Herodian views.

Bishop of Salamis shows moreover that the Herodian group moved on too far in interpreting the text of the religious Letter. Not quite they didn’t take into consideration the entire, both closer and more distant context, of fragments chosen by oneself, still tried this way to explain them in order to ingratiate oneself ruling master, Herod. It is showing that their exegesis fully was subordinated to political purposes and not had anything to do with seeking the truth and Divine principles.

Dating back to the Jesus of the Christ with reference to Herodian mention concerning their beliefs isn’t turning up at current studies concerning Jewish parties, that Herod was a waited Christ. So one can see, that their political activity was far more developed than, their faith in the salutary soil of the dynasty of Herod. As the party they were faithful of dynasty represented by Great Herod, thanks to which they were promoted in the social hierarchy. In religious views they were similar to pharisees, by what with shared powers tried to fight dangerous, in convincing them, of opponent a Jesus Christ was which.

Author Biography

  • Elżbieta Ibkowska, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Elżbieta Ibkowska – mgr lic. teologii biblijnej, mgr pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej, specjalista terapii pedagogicznej; członkini Sekcji Biblijnej PTT, członkini Stowarzyszenia Biblistów Polskich. Obszar zainteresowań to Apokalipsa św. Jana, a szczególnie zagadnienia archeologiczne siedmiu Kościołów Apokalipsy oraz Pierwszy List św. Jana, a w szczególności temat grzechu i przebaczenia.


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