Between Tradition and Liberalism. Selected Issues of Using the Texts of the Mass “Proprium” in the Contemporary Practice of Liturgical Music
sacred music, Tradition, Holy Mass, propers, antiphonsAbstract
The immutability of a large part of the texts that functioned in the Latin liturgy has been a rule throughout the history of the Church. On the contrary, in terms of music, newer and newer forms and styles were used. The caution was not shown in introducing novelties, as in the case of new texts for the masses, therefore it can be said that the tradition of church music is based primarily on the connection with the liturgical text. In terms of music, the “traditional” approach is the search for new forms of expression. In liturgical practice after the Second Vatican Council, texts of the antiphon, largely based on psalms, are most often replaced with songs, the vast majority of folk origin. The connection of some psalms with specific moments of the liturgical year has become illegible. All this has led to the weakening of ties with the tradition of the Western Church. The condition for reconstruction of mentioned ties is the search for forms of expression adequate to what the liturgy is, based on its traditional texts.
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