Different Dimensions of Responsibility for Creating Culture in Józef Tischner's Approach – Surrounding Ethics, Axiology and Aesthetics





responsibility, culture, artist, freedom, ethics, axiology


This article analyses the responsibility for creating culture, focusing on issues of ethics, axiology and aesthetics in the relationship between the artist and the recipient. The author examines why this responsibility is crucial and to what field of science it can be classified. The views of Józef Tischner, who analyzed the connections between philosophy and culture, emphasizing the axiological significance of works of art, are used as an example. Tischner lists three main areas of responsibility: promotion of values, the limits of artistic freedom, and attention to aesthetics. According to him, culture not only shapes individual and social identity, but also supports values such as beauty, truth and goodness. The author of the article emphasizes the need to reflect on the role of cultural creators in promoting spiritual and ethical values.



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