Wiara w stworzenie a teoria ewolucji: konflikt czy symbioza? Debata "Schülerkreis" Josepha Ratzingera nad relacją stworzenie-ewolucja


  • Mirosław Twardowski Uniwersytet Rzeszowski



Słowa kluczowe:

stworzenie, ewolucja, „Schülerkreis”


In September 2006 in Castel Gandolfo, at a symposium organized by Pope Benedict XVI, there was certain debate around the topic of creation – evolution. The Pope invited his former students and seminarians – the so-called “Schülerkreis”, with whom, as Cardinal, he held regular meetings, to participate. The debate in Castel Gandolfo involved, among others: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn (Archbishop of Vienna), Robert Spaemann (professor of philosophy) and Paul Erbrich (Jesuit priest, professor of physics). Also Peter Schuster, professor of chemistry, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, not associated with the “Schülerkreis” circles, was invited to join the discussion. In this article, the views of the above-mentioned participants in the debate in Castel Gandolfo are briefly presented. The response of selected authors to the views on the issues of concern as presented by the representatives of the “Schülerkreis” group, where, in particular, the Austrian cardinal’s speech aroused the most controversy.

Biogram autora

  • Mirosław Twardowski - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
    Ks. Mirosław Twardowski, dr filozofii, adiunkt w Zakładzie Polityki Regionalnej i Gospodarki Żywnościowej Wydziału Biologiczno-Rolniczego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, wykładowca filozofii przyrody w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Rzeszowie.





