Muzyka sakralna w służbie tajemnic wiary
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
wiara, teologia, tajemnica, muzyka sakralna, kultAbstrakt
Sacred music acts as a service for liturgy and is in fact the service for faith mysteries. So if you want to say something reasonable from a theological point of view on the theme: sacred music, its elements and ways of manifestation you have to begin with understanding of the mystery in the faith of the Church and in the theology. This article treats therefore of the mentioned above. In this way there is emphasized that if you talk about sacred music you can speak about it only on the basis of faith in the mystery thus creating the right spiritual climate in which the music can be experienced and further creatively developed.
There is paid particular attention to the issue of worship being the appropriate environment to use sacred music and the reference point for its creation. The point is the music is supposed to serve in deeper experiencing of faith mysteries in worship. The final conclusion is as follows: the mystery, whose sacred music is in fact on service, is the mystery of „spirit and truth” (Jn 4, 23). If sacred music subordinates to spirit and truth of the faith mystery and does not treat itself as another reality, the music will be always open to the mystery realizing its the most appropriate function to lead a man to joy in God, whose fullness is achieved in an attitude of adoration.
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