John Henry Newman on miracles in the context of David Hume’s Anti-Thaumaturgical argument


  • Piotr Cebula Tarnów



J. H. Newman, D. Hume, miracles, antecedent probabilities


The following article is an attempt to outline the holistic vision of miracles as provided in John Henry Newman’s thought. The abovementioned concept was presented in relation to David Hume’s theory questioning the credibility of testimony on miraculous events that eventually led to prove the truth of miracles. Subsequently, Newman’s arguments concerning interpretation of the nature of miracles as signs. Here, Newman’s concept on the importance of antecedent probabilities in the assessment of testimony credibility could be seen as an original contribution to the dispute on miracles. Moreover, the relation between antecedent probabilities and personal disposition, both religious and moral one as such, is developed. The conclusions drawn by Newman serve to undermine the theory advocating the neutral assessment of supernatural facts as provided by Hume.

Author Biography

  • Piotr Cebula, Tarnów
    Ks. Piotr Cebula – odbył studia filozoficzne na Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg oraz na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie uwieńczone doktoratem w roku 2016. Obecnie kapelan Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. E. Szczeklika w Tarnowie. Zainteresowania: astronomia, filozofia religii, bioetyka.


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