The Presence of the Miraculous Image of MB Grace from Lviv in Tarnow and the Tarnów themes in the Biography of the Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak


  • Jacek Soprych Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Eugeniusz Baziak, Jan Stepa, internment of clergy, Tarnów, Lviv, Our Lady of Grace


Numerous connections of Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak with Tarnow, especially his trust to the pastor of the diocese Bishop Jana Stepa, allowed to place in the deposit two of the most valuable treasures of the metropolis of Lviv – a silver coffin with relics of Jakub Strzemię and the painting of Our Lady of Grace. The image of the Mother of God from the Lviv Latin Cathedral is a special national souvenir for Poles. It was in front of it on April 1st, 1656 that the King Jan Kazimierz vowed to safeguard the Catholic faith and the human rights and he chose the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen of the Polish Crown. After World War II borders of our homeland changed and Lviv remained outside. Archbishop Baziak took that important relic to Poland. He could not leave such a great treasure. He could not expose it to desecration or destruction. Tarnów has become an important stop, where for many years this precious image was hidden.

Author Biography

  • Jacek Soprych, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Ks. Jacek Soprych – asystent w Katedrze Patrologii i historii Kościoła na Wydziale Teologicznym Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, wykładowca historii Kościoła.


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