The logic of the development of the Kingdom of God. The parable of the sowing. Mk 4: 26–29


  • Adam Dynak



Kingdom of God, harvest, sower, seed, eschatology


The article is devoted to the study of the parable of the grain / sowing Mk 4: 26–29. It could be found only in the Gospel of Mark. The analysis undertaken tries to answer one the question why the other Gospels do not have this text. The purpose of the considerations is to see the proper roles of the sower, field and grain. The connections between the parables and the prophetic texts of the Old Testament were also discussed, as well as the eschatological issue present in Jesus' teaching. The final conclusion of the exegetical-theological analysis focuses on the truth that the Kingdom of God on earth is developing according to God's plans, therefore the believer should be sure in its full revelation, even when he does not perceive the clear signs of his presence in life.


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