Confessions of Faith of the Synod of Antioch in 341




Creed of Antioch from A. D. 341, Marcellus of Ancyra, Arius


The documents of the synod of Antioch from 341 contain four confessions of faith. They constitute a reaction to the accusations of Arianism among the bishops of the East by the synod in Rome in 340/341. These accusations arose as a result of the defense of Athanasius of Alexandria and Marcellus of Ancyra, who were deposed in the East allegedly for defending the creed of Nicaea from 325 against the Arian views spreading in the East. Meanwhile, the East struggled with various forms of monarchism. Accusations of Arianism against the bishops of the East constituted a misunderstanding between Rome and Antioch and caused a quick reaction from the bishops at the synod in Antioch in 341. The four formulas of faith of this synod initiated a series of creation of new confessions of faith in the following years and constitute a valuable contribution to the development in the mid-4th century of the truth of faith regarding the confession of One God in Three Persons.


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