Le visite canoniche della diocesi di Nitra


  • Martin Bošanský Rímskokatolícka cyrilometodská bohoslovecká fakulta, Università Comenio di Bratislava



Słowa kluczowe:

wizytacja kanoniczna, odnowa trydencka, diecezja nitrzańska


The canonical visitation became one of the most important instruments of the Tridentine renewal. This study presents the canonical visitations made in the Diocese of Nitra – examining their final reports that represent historical resources of great value. It offers a summary of all the visitations – both partial and comprehensive ones – since 1674, when the first visitation recorded in written form was made, up to the present day – describing their circumstances, ways of realization, as well as their findings. It analyzes the pattern and the structure of every final report. It also examines the feasibility of their investigation and other studies accomplished in the past. Finally, it offers the evaluation of the canonical visitations from the point of view of their contribution to the renewal of the diocese.


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