Obraz kapłana w Kazaniach jubileuszowych Josepha Ratzingera – między literackością a historycznością


  • Dariusz Martynowicz Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Słowa kluczowe:

kazanie, kazanie jako źródło historyczne, obraz kapłana, sytuacja komunikacyjna kazań


The aim of the article is to analyze the picture of the priest emerging from the Joseph Ratzinger’s occasional homilies. New methodological approach has been proposed – elements of the linguistic, poetical and rhetorical analysis of the homiletic work were added to the historical analysis. The analysis is deeply rooted in the context of history, which, according to Joseph Ratzinger, not only determines the picture of the priest, but also changes the realities of his ministry, influences its goals and nature. The examined work, Joseph Ratzinger’s Opera omnia, Vol. 12 – Preachers of the Word and the servants of your joy, consists of three main parts. The first shows the theology of the sacrament of Holy Orders, presents the nature of priesthood, the second contains meditations on priestly spirituality. The last is the collection of Joseph Ratzinger’s homilies on priesthood: about Holy Orders, the first mass and anniversaries. Chosen elements of the third part were analyzed in the context of cultural image of the priest. Considerations are complemented by the reflections on the homily as a historical source.


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