Secretaries of popes


  • Marko Jacov Università del Salento Lecce



popes, secretaries, cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, Saint John Paul II, secretary of State, the personal assistant, honoris causa, the witness, sursum corda


In order to understand the activity of Holy See in a proper way, it is necessary to analyse the role of the Secretary of the State of His Holiness; if one wants to come to know mission of some pope better, it is also necessary to get to know the person of his Personal Assistant.

Father Sczaniecki claimed that both roles did not exclude each other, but they rather complement one another. He said important words referring to cardinal Dziwisz, the secretary of St. John Paul II, in a particular way: “If you wonder how great some Pope is, look who stands at his side as the secretary. Our Dziwisz is somebody”.

The convergence of these two roles was also confirmed by John Paul II. He entrusted his Personal Assistant all high-ranking tasks inside the Secretariat of the State, permitted him to take part in many essential papal decisions, he also gave him the possibility of an active participation in all events connected with his pontificate.


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“L’Osservatore Romano” (edizione polacca), n. 3 del 1998.







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