Activity of duchess Ludovika Karolina of the Radziwill family on the development of Calvinist education in Belarus in the last third of the XVII century
Belarus – history of education in the last third of the XVII century, duchess Ludovikа Karolinа Radziwill, patronage activities, Calvinist schools, foreign educational internshipsAbstract
The scientific article considered charitable activities in the field of education of the duchess Ludovika Karolina of the Radziwill family on the territory of Belarus in the last third of the XVII century. A number of main directions of its financial assistance were noted: support for schools, additional payments to teachers, as well as the allocation of scholarships in European educational institutions. In addition, the efforts of the Princess to increase the number of founders among the German monarchs were noted. A number of the materials provided indicate that it monitored the quality of the educational process organization, made efforts to improve it and bring it closer to the Western European model of pedagogy. Description of the education of the book itself. Duchess Ludovika Karolina, at the same time, gives an idea about the features of women’s education in the Calvinist environment of the second halfof the XVII century.
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