Kilka uwag na temat śródziemnomorskiej działalności korsarskiej i pirackiej u progu czasów nowożytnych
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
historia Morza Śródziemnego, piractwo, korsarze berberyjscy, historia Afryki Północnej, Imperium Osmańskie, joannici, RodosAbstrakt
Piracy has always been an integral part of the trade. The situation was similar in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of modern times, where merchants somehow turned into pirates and the state reached for the help of corsairs in order to implement their policies. Vast spaces, as well as a varied coastline, meant that piracy and corsairing became a permanent element of the reality of the time. At the end of the Middle Ages, Venice, Genoa and Aragon had the largest fleets. From the end of the 15th century, the Turks also began their adventure with the Mediterranean Sea, and within several decades their fleet became one of the most powerful. In their activities, they reached for the help of pirates, or rather Berber corsairs, who became the terror of the Mediterranean.Bibliografia
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