The alleged Romanesque church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Sędziszowa (Złotoryja district) in the light of archaeological research to date




medieval, Romanesque, church, Lower Silesia, archaeology, St Catherine of Alexandria, Sędziszowa


In 2009–2010, the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University carried out archaeological research on the relics of an alleged sacral building in Sędziszowa (Röversdorf) near Świerzawa (Schönau) in Lower Silesia. The surroundings of this village and of the nearby Nowy Kościół (Neukirch) were associated with a cluster of early medieval settlements connected with the Wleń (Lähn) district (castellania).
Before the research began, only one corner of the building was visible. One result of the work was that its plan was identified as a three-element towerless structure, which consisted of a rectangular nave, a rectangular chancel and apse (semicircular), as well as a sacristy adjacent to the chancel from the north.
Although the written sources do not make it possible to clearly define the function of the temple, considering the scale of the foundation, it should be assumed that it was a church built around the middle of the 13th century. It must have ceased to exist quite early - probably no later than in the first third of the 15th century. There is also a lack of certainty about the church’s presumed patrocinium (St Catherine of Alexandria).



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