Giustizia educativa e misericordia. La democrazia del merito


  • Giuseppe Tognon Università di Roma Lumsa


Słowa kluczowe:

sprawiedliwość, demokracja, wychowanie, zasługa, merytokracja, Kościół, społeczeństwo, nowy humanizm


For the first time, many decades after World War II or at least after the fall of the Berlin wall, the matter of democracy received traits of an anthropological and bringing up matter. It is conductive to carry out a full-scale and sincere analysis concerning its aims. The upbringing of the human kind which was a great theme of the seventeenth-century education, becomes a challenge which concerns the foundation of the humanity and asks consciences. The use of education as the factor of the social discrimination made a stand to all revolutions of modern times, and even became a decisive element in the process of secularizing of a society. Beginning from the XVII century rulers and countries, took the place of the Church. In reality, the Churched had the monopoly over education till that time, and in a special way of the high intellectual formation.

It is not accidental that the Catholic Church is calling for new humanism today. The humanism which would be able to free man from increase of false humanistic ideology. The Catholic Church is able to face, using also scientific knowledge, the problem of human existence and defence creation. Today Christians should testify, individually and together, that the Church has reached new consciousness when it comes to the value of democracy in the areas which concern creating of people and their critical spirit, and also their abilities to cling to Gospel always in a new way, and with relation to cultures and values which are often opposed to each other. “Meritocracy” as a social temptation is radically different from the democracy of the merit which aims is to build the idea of life. The idea is worth living for because it is democratic.


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