Przedstawienia Ducha Świętego na ikonach bizantyjskich i ruskich. Kanon ikonograficzny a dogmat teologiczny


  • Olga Cyrek Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


Słowa kluczowe:

Christianity, dogma, Holy Spirit, icon, Pentecost


The article describes how Christian art depicted in the Third Person of the Trinity. It was quide difficult, because the Holy Spirit could not appear as a man. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the hidden remains an icon of the Holy Spirit, Mary, as a person completely penetrated him. On the third hypostasis of Marian icons also appeared as a dove further (the icon Annunciation), or as a light-gold.

Christ’s presence on the perceptions of the Holy Spirit has been emphasized by showing the radius, or a small circle (the icon of Christ’s birth). He revealed himself as a dove hovering (the icon of the Baptism of Christ), or as light (the icon of the Transfiguration).

However the icon showing a scene “Pentecost”, he reveals himself tongues of fire descending figure, which rest upon the Apostles.






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