Antidemonic feature of sacraments: the Eucharist


  • Marta Ficoń Instytut Teologiczny im. św. Jana Kantego w Bielsku-Białej



The Eucharist, Jesus Christ, the Paschal Mystery, liberation, Satan, exorcism, possession


The life and work of Jesus Christ are salvific and liberating from the power of the evil spirit. From this perspective, the institution of the Eucharist and giving Himself to the faithful as Nourishment are remarkably antidemonic deeds that free from the power of the spirits of darkness and are an indispensable aid for both Christians in the daily spiritual struggle and for the possessed on the path to liberation.
Also liturgical feature of the Sacrament contains many references to the glorious victory of Christ over Satan and incessant begging to keep people away from his influence. However, the Eucharist is not a tool for the liberation of the possessed from the power of the demon but constitutes a fundamental element of the process of liberation through exorcism.


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