Idea of right application. Robert Frost’s motive of going beyond rightly applied to spiritual issues


  • Marcin Godawa The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow



the right application of a text, the yes- and the yes but-application, Frost’s motives of going beyond, spiritual experience, crossing spiritual borders


The first aim of this article is an attempt to explain some terminological questions in the field of texts interpretation, here especially of poetry, which bears the character of a theological source (locus theologicus). This aim has been achieved by the idea of the right application of a text, which means respect for its original meaning and at the same time the transition of this meaning beyond the line of direct analysis and interpretation to an outer circle of religious and spiritual issues. This idea in its two forms of the yes- or the yes but-application shows how reading poetry can stimulate life decisions and shape somebody’s spiritual attitude.
The second aim of my paper is to expose the right application through the motive of going beyond which has emerged from the poetical work by Robert Frost – one of the most outstanding and prominent artists of the twentieth century.


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