The place and meaning of the confession of faith in liturgy


  • Janusz Królikowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



liturgy, confession of faith, Baptism, Eucharist, mystagogy, formation


The article points out the reasons for and the history of the inclusion of the confession of faith into liturgy of the Church. The aim of this study is to show a close relation between liturgy and Christian life. Both liturgy and Christian life are based upon the confession of faith, therefore it is vital to emphasise this relation since it may be significant for strengthening of the close relation between Christian life and liturgy which is not something external and artificially combined but on the contrary it characterizes the internal content of Christian life and constitutes its natural environment of authentic development. The confession of faith constitutes the first school of faith and it remains the basic tool of religious formation. That is why the confession of faith has to become a truly cultivated and lasting element of Christian proclamation and a benchmark for shaping the authentic Christian spirit.


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