Preferential love for the poor in the preaching of the Church
the poor, preaching, CaritasAbstract
The Church is called to keep on recognizing the signs of the times and, in connection with them, to carry out her intrinsic tasks expressing her inner nature: the proclamation of the word of God, the sacraments and the ministry of charity. The present pontificate is one of the signs of the times and its priority is the preferential love of the poor. This very priority is an indication for the contemporary mission of the Church, especially for her preaching. This paper points out the necessary link between the present ministry of the word, and the preferential love for the poor. The subject is based on the example of Jesus of Nazareth, the ministry of the apostles and the experience of the Church in patristic times. At the end the constitutive elements of Christian love for the poor are discussed. They should be very often present in preaching.
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