The problem of independence of Józef Tischner’s dramatic reflection from Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theodramatic thought
Tischner’s philosophy of drama, Balthasar’s theodrama, independence of thoughtAbstract
In this article we address the problem of the independence of the dramatic thought of J. Tischner and theodramatic reflection of H. U. von. Balthasar. We show that both authors, despite some resemblance in general approach and certain similarities in some specific aspects, develop their (theo)dramatic thought independently from each other. In case of Balthasar, one can talk about total independence from Tischner. In case of Tischner, we analyze the examples of formal dependence of his texts on Balthasar (courtesy citing, terminological borrowings) and we show that this dependence has a purely marginal character and concerns only the last two years of his life. As a corollary we formulate a thesis about „non-causal simultaneity” regarding the contribution of both authors to the development of the so-called dramatic current, referring this way to the analogical phenomenon that Balthasar himself discussed in the context of the precursors of the dialogical current.
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