Deposit of faith as the criterion of the truthfulness of the Church teaching




deposit of faith, depositum fidei, dogma, development of dogma, divine revelation, tradition, trust, responsibility, apologetics


In modern theology, the concept of the deposit of faith is rarely used. The aim of the article is to show its importance in maintaining the integrity of the transmission of the apostolic faith of the Church. However, it is essential because of the continuity and identity of the apostolic teaching received from Christ and transmitted to the Church. It allows us to define the limits of theological pluralism. In the development of theology, it is associated with apologetics, and its renaissance is conducive to indepth studies of its importance for demonstrating the apostolic character of the contemporary Church teaching.
An important element of this concept is the trust shown by the depositor (Christ) to the depositary (the Church), which obliges him to keep the deposit intact. Hence follows the great responsibility of the whole Church and of every Catholic as depositary. The deposit of faith, understood as the “sum of salvific goods” (the sum of noetic and ontic content), is sacred in two ways: it is a gift of God who reveals himself and is kept in the temple, which is every believer in Christ. It is a reservoir of unchanging dogmas and a “place” to look for answers to more and more inquisitive questions arising from the constantly changing conditions of human life. The deposit of faith is a reality that can effectively help in the fight against the contemporary crisis of Catholic faith and morality and even the identity of the Church itself.


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