Modern canons relating to the Bishop of Rome: Latin and Eastern. Comparison and their sources


  • Tomasz Rozkrut Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



the Bishop of Rome, the College of Bishops, the Latin Code, the Eastern Code, Primacy


The Person and the Office of the Bishop of Rome that is the highest and the most important office within the entire Church and that cannot be compared to any other office both in the Church itself and the secular community, that has lasted continuously for centuries and millennia and that has remained unchanged at the same time and has constantly been discovered with reverence, constitutes exquisitely rich, important, and complex issue and thematics. It is not only an incisive look and theological and legal analysis or historic and even political analysis that have been depicted in a number of interesting monographies and other detailed studies, including important scientific symposia, but also publications containing personal references to individual popes. The article is aimed at analysing current canons concerning the Bishop of Rome, i.e. canons included in the codes of canon law promulgated by Pope John Paul II, it means the Latin Code of 1983 and Eastern Code of 1990. The presented statement is only a depiction of a very rich issue, which inter alia involves a detailed study and analysis of only synthetically indicated sources of Latin canons and Eastern cannons concerning the Person and the Office of the Bishop of Rome. Anniversary of one hundred years of birth of St. John Paul II, who made the Person and the Office of the Bishop of Rome much closer to the Church in Poland especially by his long and rich pontiff, encourages to a continuous analysis of this extraordinary office.


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