New version of the motu proprio „Vos estis lux mundi”. The significance of the changes introduced by Pope Francis in 2023




Canon penal law, Vos estis lux mundi, vulnerable adult, obligation of report, responsibility of superiors


This article refers to a renewed version of the motu proprio document Vos estis lux mundi, in English You are the light of the world, promulgated by pope Francis March 25th, 2023. Comparing to the 2019 ad experimentum version, the current document consists of some changes which are the focus of this article. Article 1 contains a new formulation of particular categories of victims of sexual abuse. Apart from the category of minors there have been added two more – “a person who habitually has imperfect use of reason” and “a vulnerable adult”. Regarding pornography there have been also introduced some significant changes aimed at better protection of minors and vulnerable adults. According to art. 2 dioceses “must provide for institutions or offices that are easily accessible to the public for the submission of reports”. Moreover, in this article there is explained controversy regarding jurisdiction. Unless mutually agreed, “it is the responsibility of the Ordinary of the place where the events are said to have occurred”. In art. 3 there is confirmed an obligation to report the delict, except for cases of obtaining the information within the internal forum. According to art. 4 an obligation to keep silent must not be imposed on the person reporting, as well as on an alleged victim and witnesses. A major innovation of the document is that it undertakes the issue of delicts and negligence of a new important group: “lay faithful who are or who were Moderators of international associations of the faithful” (art. 6). Therefore the list of the competent dicasteries has been extended in the art. 7 with the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life. Furthermore, the role of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life was underlined by adding the new art. 10. Throughout the document special attention is paid to the legitimate protection of the good name of all persons involved. This may have been the reason for adding a new provision in art. 18: “A copy of the acts is to be kept in the Archive of the competent Pontifical Representative”. The most important change that should be underlined: the new Vos estis lux mundi is now a permanent law that is supposed to be applied in line with other laws of the Church.


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