When cordons broke and borders were born… Western Galicia Province in November 1918




Klíčová slova:

Galicia, November 1918, independence, Polish Liquidation Commission, Galician province, Galician Jews


The 19th century, referred to by historians as the “long century”, as it lasted from the beginning of the French Revolution (in the case of Poland, to the time of the Partitioning) to the collapse of the “old” European order in the wake of the Great War. For Poles living in the Austrian partition, the twilight of the old era came in November 1918, a month that can unquestionably be regarded as the “longest month” of the “long 19th century”. It was a month in which the situation in the counties of Western Galician changed like a kaleidoscope: from euphoria, through critical moments, to relative stability.

Euphoria took hold in Polish homes in late October and early November 1918, when Poles took control of the cities and towns scattered across Western Galicia. The euphoric state associated with regaining independence passed very quickly, and if it persisted, it was rather among those with a strong national and political consciousness. Nevertheless, for the majority of inhabitants of Western Galicia, November was a time of particular concern about what the following day would bring as issues of food, clothing, and energy shortages came to the fore. Food prices “skyrocketed”, reaching dizzying levels in the autumn of 1918. Common violence, affecting mainly the Jewish population, became a plague. Midway through November 1918, thanks to the actions taken by the Polish Liquidation Commission, a process of stabilising the social and political life began, which was reflected in the successive revival (or organisation) of “non-political” associations and the reorganisation of municipal (communal) self-government in the counties.


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CDIAL, fond 211, description 1, case 102: Correspondence on the establishment of the Executive Committee in Biala.

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