The iconographic programme of the Poor Clares’ church in Cracow


  • Michał Kurzej Jagiellonian University



iconographic programme, Poor Clares’ church in Cracow, Innocente Monti, Baldassare Fontana


The main transformation of St. Andrew’s church interior took place in 1701–1702 during the rule of Abbess Anna Eliżbieta Tyrawska, according to a concept developed by her together with priest Sebastian Piskorski. Stucco decoration was made by Baldassare Fontana, while the wall paintings are most likely by Innocenzo Monti. Its contents were arranged in two interwoven programmes, addressed respectively to the nuns assembled in the choir in the gallery and the faithful in the main space of the church. Their common element is the rood, which seen from the galleries is part of a series of representations of the Passion on the walls of the choir, accompanied by images of Franciscan worshippers of Christ – St. Francis, St. Anthony and the Blessed Salomea as well as St. Mary Magdalene. On the other hand, the crucifix viewed from below presents itself as a symbol of the triumph of the Saviour, accompanied by a depiction of the glory of the crucified Apostles Peter and Andrew. On the vault of the chancel is a depiction of the glory of nuns: St. Clare, St. Kinga and the Blessed Salomea. They are juxtaposed with the coronation of the Virgin by the Holy Trinity in a manner inspired by the vision of Marina de Escobar. The figure of the Blessed Salomea, foundress of the monastery which houses some of her relics, connects both programmes. Episodes of her Vita, showing her Christological piety, were painted on the arcades of the galleries. In this way, the interior decoration of the Cracow church encouraged the faithful to visit the pilgrimage destination in Grodzisko, designed to promote the cult of Salomea.



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