The dispute over the signing of the concordat between the Second Polish Republic and the Holy See in the constitutional debate of the Legislative Sejm in years 1919–1921


  • Paweł Magiera Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



the Second Polish Republic, concordat, the Legislative Sejm 1919–1922, constitutional debate


The article shows comprehensively a little-known subject of the first debate over the signing of the concordat between the Second Polish Republic and the Holy See that took place during the constitutional debate of the Legislative Sejm in years 1919–1921. In contrast to the parliamentary dispute in 1925 over the final ratification of the concordat, which was widely presented in the contemporary literature, the first debate in the Legislative Sejm was only a prelude and focused on establishing the sole principle of the concordat in the text of future constitution. According to it, this first debate determined only the legal way in which detailed relations between the Catholic Church and the state should be established in the future. The subject of the article was presented in chronological order, which corresponds with the sequence of constitutional efforts in the parliament. The article is based mainly on the historical sources in the form of stenographic records and documents of the Legislative Sejm (1919–1922). Its analysis makes it possible to recreate the first parliamentary debate over the principle of concordat in future constitution.


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