The Genesis of a Permanent Tribunal: Quaestio Perpetuae de Repetundis


  • Mariusz Gwardecki Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń



corruption of magistrates, permanent tribunal (quaestio perpetuae), extraordinary tribunal, the judiciary in the Roman Republic


The aim of the paper is to present the judiciary in cases de repetundis in the period before the permanent court was established, including plebeian tri­bunals and “occasional” tribunals: quaestiones estraordinariae / quaestio­nes temporiae, as well as the collegium of recuperators. An important ele­ment is the evolution of the court proceedings and the emergence of new legislative efforts, as well as the influence of the emergence of new court models on the proceedings. The author will discuss the legal, social and political background of the development of legislation with regard to prose­cuting the crimen repetundarum (crime of extortion) and outline the scale of the problem of extortion in the Roman Republic, as well as the related social conflicts.


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