When was Queen Jadwiga born?
Queen Jadwiga of Anjou, date of birth, Anjou dynasty, William HabsburgAbstract
The author returns to a topic that has been discussed many times in literature, which is the date of birth of Queen Jadwiga of Anjou. Based on the provisions of medieval canon law, according to which betrothal (so-called matrimonium pro futuro) could take place when the future spouses were at least 7 years old, he points out that Jadwiga’s betrothal arrangements with William Habsburg were organized in Hainburg (1378) and confirmed in Zwoleń (1380) were not in accordance with this law, because Jadwiga was still under 7 years old to consent to them. Only the act of March 20, 1381 (previously unknown in the literature) concluding a „matrimonialis contractus” between William and Jadwiga was issued after meeting this age requirement. This document clearly proves that Jadwiga was born in 1374.
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