Did Henry Bitterfeld write the “Life of St. Hedwig of Silesia” for queen Jadwiga? (The Dominicans at the court of Jadwiga of Anjou)
Jadwiga of Anjou, Henry Bitterfeld, St. Hedwig of Silesia, hagiography, dominicansAbstract
The article discusses the issue of the authorship of the alleged “Life of St. Hedwig” by Henry Bitterfeld. A work of this title was mentioned in successive catalogs of the Dominican’s works, although its text is unknown. The analysis conducted in the article shows that there are no evidence for linking Bitterfeld to the mentioned work. There are no other hagiographies in his oeuvre. Furthermore, the figure of St. Hedwig of Silesia does not align with the hagiographical model promoted by the Observants close to Bitterfeld. Attempts to connect the “Life of St. Hedwig” to the Silesian origin of its supposed author are also misguided. Moreover, when Bitterfeld arrived in the Polish province of the Order of Preachers, the leadership had been taken over by the friars from Lesser Poland, who, in the context of a long-standing rivalry with the Silesians, were not interested in promoting the cult of a saint from that region. Additionally, mentions of the “Life of St. Hedwig” are very late. The oldest of them dates only from the 18th century.
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