The speach of father Zygmunt Janicki on the funeral of priest Józef Krukowski, the professor of the Jagiellonian University and the parson of the parish of Saint Florian in Krakow (10th of December 1900)
Zakon Braci Mniejszych, o. Zygmunt Janicki, Wydział Teologiczny UJ, ks. dr Józef Krukowski, świętość kapłańskaAbstract
On December 10, 1900 was held in Krakow funeral of Fr. Dr. Joseph Krukowski (9 V 1828 – 6 XII 1900), pastor of the Collegiate Church of St. Cracow. Florian, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University. Sermon (speech) at the funeral gave Franciscan Fr. Zygmunt Janicki. The study presents the first part of the curriculum vitae of Ecclesiastes funeral. Janicki (1867–1929), after his ordination to the priesthood (1889), he first pastoral ministry in the monastery of St. Kazimierz in Krakow, then in Kety, where after three years he returned to Krakow. Janicki and the members of the Order, the Franciscans, at the turn of the century took a new form of pastoral work, which was to preach the sacred mission of preaching or missionary-retreat. This activity took the then parish of the Diocese of Krakow, Tarnow and Przemysl (1897–1902); in the years 1906–1907 Volhynia, Podolia and extensive Ukraine, and in 1912 Polish centers in the United States. In the years 1911–1923, as Commissioner of the Holy Land in Poland, Father Zygmunt Janicki become very active in spreading interest in earthly homeland of Jesus (in 1906 began publishing the quarterly “The Voice of the Holy Land” from 1907 to 1909 and in 1914 organized a three Polish national pilgrimages to the Holy Land). In very difficult times of World War I, Fr. Z. Janicki with great fortitude and sacrifice, held the office of Provincial (1914–1924). Modern preaching about appreciating Z. Janicki, OFM, called it “the main patriotic preacher” in Cracow. The valediction of Fr. Zygmunt, who died on 11 April 1929, involved “crowds of people, long unseen”. The second part of the present article is analysis of the speech, which Fr Z. Janicki, delivered on 10 December 1900 for the funeral of Fr. Dr. Joseph Krukowski (1828–1900), pastor of the parish of Cracow St. Florian, formerly Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University. Preacher presented The Dead as an uncommon man, full of characteristic advantages and distinctive from his environment. In the picture a halo over the head of the Dead, the funeral Preacher introduced three great merits symbolized by “rays”. The first was a “holy priesthood”, or life as a priest, apostle and herald of Jesus and the Good News. The second “ray” was his outstanding scholarship; it was because “the husband of Science” was decorated with laurel wreath of glory, given by the science. Finally, the third ray was his “well understood humanity”; he had been a man, “who was able to fulfill with dignity the mission of humanity!” Fr. Janicki, claimed in his funeral speech that it all was like a “rainbow Calicos, suspended by the Creator’s omnipotence as a sign of peace and love to”. Fr. Dr. Joseph Krukowski and makes one to “ponder” and “think” of all what was the life and work of the Dead.
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