Peter Singer and Christian ethics. On Charles Comosy’s attempt to find grounds for cooperation


  • Jakub Synowiec Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Peter Singer, christian ethics, Charles Camosy, person


This paper presents an interesting attempt to show that the differences between Peter Singer and Christian ethics are smaller than they appear to be. This view was presented in Peter Singer and Christian ethics. Beyond polarization by Charles Camosy, a Catholic thinker from the US. Camosy wanted to prove, that Peter Singer and ethicists looking for the inspiration in Christian thought can cooperate on many issues and to present their positions as radically polarized is incorrect. This paper is focused on the critical presentation of Camosy’s argument. The research he conducted to support his thesis is useful for understanding the whole discussion between Peter Singer and Christian ethics. His method could be a new standard of discussion between different ethical approaches. In the last part of this paper, it will be suggested, that the author has marginalized some unavoidable obstacles, which make a dialogue between Christian ethics and the famous Australian bioethicsist very difficult. Among them, understanding the notion of person, as well as the reluctance of Christians to pragmaticly compromise in the field of ethics are worth noticing.

Author Biography

  • Jakub Synowiec, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Doktor, asystent przy Katedrze Etyki na Wydziale Filozoficznym UPJPII. Zainteresowania naukowe: etyka, metaetyka, argumentacja etyczna, etyka Petera Singera, etyka personalistyczna. Ważniejsze publikacje: Model argumentacji etycznej w etyce personalistycznej Karola Wojtyły i Tadeusza Stycznia, Kraków 2014; Jakie Peter Singer rzuca nam wyzwania, [w:] Etyka u schyłku drugiego tysiąclecia, red. J. Ziobrowski, Warszawa 2013, s. 215–228; Autentyczna argumentacja etyka, [w:] Autentyczność w życiu publicznym, red. W. Zuziak, J. Mysona Byrska, Kraków 2011, s. 119–128.


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