Prudence and Restraint as Virtues of an Effective Altruist
Effective Altruism, restraint, prudenceAbstract
The aim of the paper is to analyze the importance of two virtues: prudence and restraint for genesis of the Effective Altruism and practice of life of effective altruists, on the basis of philosophical works of two main representatives of the idea and movement: Peter Singer and William MacAskill. In the first part of the paper genesis of the movement and it’s basic assumptions are presented. Than, the paper focuses on the role of prudence and restraint in both theoretical reflection on effective altruism and practice of life of people identifying themselves withe the movement, with reference to Aristotle’s understanding of the virtues. It is argued, that these virtues are crucial in the practice of life of an effective altruist. In the last part the paper focuses on the idea that Effective Altruism is in a sense an alternative to consumerism and can play a role in bringing mentioned virtues back into public life.References
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